New Jobs. New Town. New Apartment.

New Apartment

In a single trip on Saturday, the family caravan moved all of our boxes and furniture to a new apartment in Colorado Springs! I started my new job as web designer and developer at the Space Foundation on Monday while Amanda started her new job today. She is now a seasonal supervisor at a much larger Joann Fabrics and Crafts store.

Colorado School for the Deaf and Blind

The new apartment is located one block away from the Colorado School for the Deaf and Blind, founded in 1874.

We're both taking a lot in and trying to catch up on sleep. So far everything is looking great! Now I just need to learn the names of 50 or so Space Foundation teammates I work with. Maybe I should bring the camera in and take snapshots to post on a bulletin board.

Expect more updates soon when time and energy allow.

Posted: 2009-06-04
