The Introvert Business Lure

The Introvert Business Lure attached to my laptop, showing a subtle yet noticable firework show

Have you ever strolled into a coffee shop fully intending to socialize and maybe even spark new business opportunities, only to realize you're an introvert and end up hiding behind your laptop screen like everyone else?

Well, let me introduce the Introvert Business Lure. By attaching this subtle yet attention-grabbing display to the back of your laptop screen, its impossible to hide, as it naturally sparks conversations with people who love blinky lights (which is basically everyone, right?).

zooming in to see the Introvert Business Lure in use

This year, I've been covering all my family's bills through freelance/contract work under my new company, llc. Creating this fun little device was another way to plant my flag and stand out.

This creation was built with Affinity Designer, the BOSS laser at the Pikes Peak Makerspace, Adafruit and Unexpected Maker components, and Circuitpython.

How effective is the Introvert Business Lure? So far, it has proven to be much more effective than pinning a business card to the coffee shop community cork board. As someone who tends to present with props, it has sparked a few great conversations and has also been entertaining for my friends.

I even once overheard a couple of gossiping ladies remark, "That display is absurd." Hey, they noticed it, and that's good marketing.

Posted: 2024-09-01
